All Heart's Care Journal
Every All Heart Home Care™ client receives a detailed, unique, and personalized All Heart’s Care Journal. This essential tool is well organized and easy to use. Developed internally by an experienced All Heart Home Care nurse, this intuitive journal will help caregivers, family members, physicians and other healthcare professionals stay informed of our client’s condition, increasing care quality and client safety.
The All Heart’s Care Journal ensures health care professionals are kept up to date with the client’s care at home. If 911 were to be called, the emergency medical technicians (EMT) would have access to the journal. It includes important health history, medications, diet intake, and the caregiver’s narratives. This ensures that EMTs receive accurate and up-to-date health information, which allows for our clients to receive the best and quickest care possible.

- All Heart's Platinum Care Journal
The All Heart’s Platinum Care Journal is designed for full-time care. Sections include: Customized Care Plan, Client Notes to Caregiver, Caregiver Narrative, Change of Condition, Personal Care Flow Sheet, Diet Intake, Brain Health Activities, Long Term Care Insurance Flow Sheet, Doctor Visits, and Appointment Reminders. The Client Information section is also included. We customize this journal to your specific request. If a section is not required for your care needs, it’s removed.
- All Heart's Gold Care Journal
The All Heart’s Platinum Care Journal is designed for part-time care. Sections include: Customized Care Plan, Client Notes to Caregiver, Caregiver Narrative, Personal Care Flow Sheet, and Brain Health Activities. If you prefer a section in the Platinum Care Journal more useful for your care needs, we can include that section. We will interchange it with a section that may not be required for your care. This journal is customized to your specific request. If a section is not required for your care needs, it’s removed.
Activities of Daily Living
Customized Care Plan
This section is a customized care plan for you or your loved one’s specific health condition. As health conditions change, we will update the care plan to ensure your needs continue to be met.
Client Notes to Caregiver
This section allows the family a way to communicate to our caregivers with special instructions.
Caregiver Narrative
Daily brief description of the work performed by the caregiver. Also used to brief the caregivers assigned to the case.
Change of Condition
Important changes to the client’s condition or changes to the care plan.
Personal Care Flow Sheet
Includes tracking bathing, hygiene, and nail care. Tracks medication reminders and recording the client’s weight.
Diet Intake
This section documents what the client consumes and the percentage of the meal that’s consumed. This is helpful in monitoring the client’s increase or a decrease of appetite. Optional: monitoring/recording of restricted diets for sodium, fat and carbohydrates.
Brain Health Activities
Used to stimulate the client’s brain. Includes some fun brain game exercises.
Long Term Care Insurance Flow Sheet
Used for Long-Term Care (LTC) insurance claims.
Doctor Visits
This section is used for gather data during the client’s doctor visits.
Appointment Reminders
This section is used for tracking the client’s appointments.
Client Intake Information (Optional)
Client Information Profile
Includes important client information such as, power of attorney, allergies, DNR, biography, health provider contact information, physicians, healthcare providers, and healthcare insurance information.
Physician order for life-sustaining treatment. (POLST) Section is optional.
Health History
This section covers the client’s important health history. Areas include: medical information, living habits, communication, and activities of daily living.
Medication Profile
Client’s medication profile. Includes: medication, dosage, route, frequency, and indication.
Home Site Assessment
This section provides the client with important information about safety recommendations for their home.
Injury Illness and Prevention Program
This section is used by our caregiver to provide them with life saving emergency actions and fire prevention plans. Includes: first aid kit/fire extinguisher locations, and where the fire hazards are throughout the client’s home.
Case Management
This section is a narrative section for our agency nurse or case manager.
All Heart Home Care Awards

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Help us gain insight into your current circumstances, and we will then arrange a complimentary phone consultation to ensure you receive the appropriate home care services, enabling you to live comfortably and age gracefully in your own home.