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Safety Protocol During COVID-19

At All Heart Home Care™, we have been working hard to keep our staff and clients safe during the recent coronavirus pandemic. We have taken a proactive approach, developing procedures based on the latest information and advice from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and State Department of Health. Although most cases of COVID-19 only result in mild symptoms, seniors and individuals with co-morbidities have a much higher risk of mortality. Because All Heart Home Care is primarily dealing with people in this high-risk group, we must be extremely vigilant and thorough in our approach. WATCH OUR VIDEO about All Heart Home Care’s Safety Protocol During COVID-19. All Heart leads the home care industry with over 98% of our caregivers vaccinated and a goal of 100% vaccinated.

We fully adhere to the guidelines provided by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), World Health Organization, and State Department of Health. Our team also takes additional steps to safeguard the health and safety of our employees and clients. These steps include:

Provision of Safety Equipment to Clients

All home care providers operating in San Diego must use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) during face-to-face interactions. This reduces the risk of the virus being transferred via fine-particule aerosoles, which are released when breathing, coughing, or communicating.

In addition, we provide a PPE kit for all new private pay clients. This kit includes N-95 face masks, gowns, gloves, and face shields. We explain the importance for caregivers to take their own temperature and the temperature of the clients they visit.

Additional Safety Training

All Heart Home Care’s staff has received extensive training which helps them assess symptoms of COVID-19 and understand how to prevent the spread of the disease. We regularly update our team regarding the latest COVID-19 news and any changes to COVID-19 guidelines. Our company also provides ongoing client education to help them understand how to avoid COVID-19.

Vaccination of All Staff and Caregivers

Our staff and caregivers are eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine under the Phase 1A (Tiers 1-3) criteria. Once they have received this vaccine, the risk of viral transference to clients will be dramatically reduced.

Thorough Safety Procedures

In addition to the safety guidelines recommended by the CDC, WHO, and state department of health, we:

  • Encourage employees to work from home whenever possible to reduce the risk of the illness spreading between employees.
  • Strictly adhere to hand washing protocols.
  • Promote hand washing and sanitization amongst clients.
  • Ensure that our employees have access to hand sanitizers, Lysol wipes, and hand washing facilities.
  • Have all employees certify that they are non-symptomatic before they begin their shift. We have them test their temperatures daily and monitor for other symptoms.

In accordance with recommendations from authorities, if an employee is experiencing any of the following symptoms, they will be told to stay at home:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Fever
  • Cough

If they have two of the following symptoms, they will also be asked to stay at home:

  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Repeated shaking with chills
  • Muscle pain

Any employee who has these symptoms must stay at home for at least 10 days from the onset of symptoms. They must also receive one negative COVID-19 tests before returning to work and cannot come back to work if suffering from fever or respiratory problems.

We are working closely with local medical professionals to make it easy for our team to access medical consultations and COVID-19 testing.

Rules on International Travel

Any employees who have traveled internationally since January must disclose the details of their trip with our human resources team. They must also self-quarantine for at least 14 days before being allowed to return to work. Any employee who exhibits any symptoms of illness mentioned above must also receive a negative COVID-19 test.

How All Heart Home Care Can Help During the Pandemic

All Heart Home Care is committed to helping our staff and clients get through this difficult time. Our primary goal is to keep everyone safe while providing the services that our clients need.

Many of the services we provide are helpful for safeguarding clients who are vulnerable to COVID-19. They include:

  • Grocery shopping
  • Cooking and meal delivery
  • Picking up medications
  • Performing housekeeping duties
  • Personal care (help bathing, getting dressed, toileting etc.)
  • Companionship (particularly valuable at this time, when many people are isolated)

Finding More Information On COVID-19

Here are several of the best information resources for COVID-19:

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Help us gain insight into your current circumstances, and we will then arrange a complimentary phone consultation to ensure you receive the appropriate home care services, enabling you to live comfortably and age gracefully in your own home.