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Blogs All Heart Home Care Parents (1440 x 1024 px)

Signs a Parent Needs Home Care Assistance

As your parents age, they may reach a point where they are struggling to look after themselves. Performing activities of daily living may become difficult as a person ages and your parents may be finding some common tasks become more

Blogs All Heart Home Care Insomnia (1440 x 1024 px)

Seniors and Insomnia Help for the Elderly

This article discusses information on seniors and insomnia help for the elderly. It is normal to have trouble sleeping every now and then.  However, if you have trouble sleeping on a regular basis it can become a serious problem that

Blogs All Heart Home Care Benefits to Seniors(1440 x 1024 px)

Home Care Benefits to Seniors

Our non-medical home care services allow the elderly to stay physically close to their belongings that give them comfort.  Their favorite chair, gardening, friends and family that stop by and visit, and a kitchen to enjoy a morning cup of coffee, are all

Blogs All Heart Home Care Private Caregiver (1440 x 1024 px)

Costs of Hiring a Private Caregiver

Learn the costs of hiring a private Caregiver and what you need to know before hiring them as an independent contracted employee.  This article discusses the critical questions to ask when seeking care for yourself or a loved One. The toughest decision

Blogs All Heart Home Care Safety (1440 x 1024 px)

In-Home Safety Checklist for Seniors

This article discusses the importance of completing an in-home safety checklist for seniors. If you have an aging parent at home, at some point you will have to decide if it is still safe for them to live in their

Blogs All Heart Home Care Diet 4(1440 x 1024 px)

Better Nutrition for Better Healing

This article discusses the importance of better nutrition for better healing. It is common knowledge that good nutrition plays an important role in maintaining good health.  But did you know that older people have different nutritional requirements to young people? All

Blogs All Heart Home Care Hospice 4 (1440 x 1024 px)

Hospice Agencies and Palliative Care

This article discusses the information on hospice agencies and palliative care. Deciding on hospice or palliative care can be devastating. Not only are you trying to cope with your loved one’s impending demise, you’re also grappling with a lot of grief,

Blogs All Heart Home Care Falls 3(1440 x 1024 px)

In-Home Fall Prevention for Seniors

Every year in this country, one out of every three people over the age of 65 falls, according to the CDC.  Even more disturbing is that less than half notify their doctor of the incident. A startling fact is that falling

Blogs All Heart Home Care CA Home Care Regulations (1440 x 1024 px)

CA Home Care Regulations

Effective January 1, 2016, the Home Care Consumer Protection Act was put into place for CA Home Care Regulations to encourage protection for senior individuals who hire non-medical home care agencies for assistance with activities of daily living in their

Blogs All Heart Home Care Fraud Safe (1440 x 1024 px)

Fraud Alerts and Keeping Seniors Safe

This article discusses the importance of fraud alerts and keeping seniors safe. Senior citizens are unfortunately the targets of fraud very often because of their trusting nature and generosity.  Often times, they may be impaired in some way, perhaps suffering


About the Author

Eric Barth | CEO

Eric is the CEO of All Heart Home Care, a local home care agency. He is the writer for All Heart Home Care’s blog page. He leads an award-winning home care agency by senioradvisor.com 5 years in a row. (2017 – 2021), as one of the top home care agencies in San Diego, CA