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Featured Articles

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Talking to the Elderly About Giving up their Car Keys

One of the most difficult parts of getting older is being forced to give up some of the activities that you enjoy.  Many older people find it particularly difficult to give up driving.  It’s no wonder — driving is seen

Blogs All Heart Home Care Aromath (1440 x 1024 px)

Alzheimer’s and Aromatherapy

This article will discuss the importance of Alzheimer’s and Aromatherapy holistic treatments and how All Heart Home Care can help. How a Holistic Treatment is Helping Alzheimer’s disease remains the most common form of dementia in the United States.  There are currently

Blogs All Heart Home Care Pneumonia

How Seniors Can Prevent Pneumonia

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (PDF), pneumonia and influenza are the 5th-leading cause of death among people over the age of 65.  This statistic highlights how important it is for seniors to avoid this deadly disease.  This

Blogs All Heart Home Care Respite Care (1440 x 1024 px)

Caregiver Stress and Respite Care

Working as a caregiver is a very rewarding experience, however, it can also be quite stressful.  Caregiving involves a lot of hard work and it can be difficult to care for someone with a serious health problem or disability.  Caregiver

Blogs All Heart Home Care Wars off Depression (1440 x 1024 px)

Helping Seniors Ward Off Depression

This article will discuss an important topic on helping seniors ward off depression. Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses affecting older Americans.  More than two million of the 34 million Americans over the age of 65 suffer from

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National Home Care and Hospice Month

Each November, the National Association for Home Care & Hospice (NAHC) celebrates National Home Care and Hospice Month.  This annual event is designed to honor the healthcare workers and family members who make home care and hospice care possible.  It is also

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Protecting Seniors at Home from Scams

A study from True Link Financial in 2015 found that senior financial abuse in the United States costs more than $2.9 billion dollars per year.  A significant proportion of the financial abuse that occurs to seniors in the USA is caused by

Blogs All Heart Home Care Elderly Home (1440 x 1024 px)

Elderly Parents Choose to Live at Home

This article discusses the importance of elderly parents choose to live at home and what you’ll need to know. Many elderly people decide to remain in their home as they grow older, because it gives them more freedom, privacy, independence,

Blogs All Heart Home Care Eld Falls (1440 x 1024 px)

Fall Proofing Your Home

Falls are the leading cause of injury among seniors living in the United States.  According to the CDC, each year, 2.8 million older Americans are treated in an emergency department after having a fall.  More than 95% of hip fractures are

Blogs All Heart Home Care Diet 2 (1440 x 1024 px)

Senior Nutrition Myths

Everyone knows that eating a healthy and nutritious diet can add years to a person’s lifespan and improve the quality of their life.  However, there is a lot of debate about what constitutes a “healthy and nutritious diet” for seniors. 


About the Author

Eric Barth | CEO

Eric is the CEO of All Heart Home Care, a local home care agency. He is the writer for All Heart Home Care’s blog page. He leads an award-winning home care agency by senioradvisor.com 5 years in a row. (2017 – 2021), as one of the top home care agencies in San Diego, CA